In April 2017, Ms. Fay Liu, the president of Tang, was invited by Thai Ministry of Education to learn and discuss about the situation of Thai vocational education, needs for Chinese language learning in local vocational schools, and their expectation of cooperating with China’s great universities. Arranged by the Thai Ministry of Education, Ms. Fay Liu, on behalf of Tang, visited several vocational technical schools from five different provinces of Thailand for an in-depth understanding of local schools. In addition, Ms. Fay Liu introduced Tang’s status and product services to the school leaders along with teachers.

At present, the scarcity of Chinese language teachers is a common situation in Thai Vocational Institutes. Although the schools yearn to open Chinese language learning classes so as to provide local students with more opportunities to study even work in China, the plan is hardly implemented in that Chinese teachers could not be guaranteed at school.

Tang provided solutions worldwide for Chinese language teaching with Internet technology and proposed a scheme concerning “Internet+” Chinese language education for beginners in Thailand for the first time. Tang’s products received a lot of schools’ recognition after presenting and demonstrating. Many schools hoped to successfully open Chinese language courses with the help of Tang’s Chinese International Education Cloud Platform and Smart teaching and learning System as soon as possible, establishing relationship with Chinese prestigious universities and promoting exchanges between China-Thai students as well as schools.

Thailand is an important “B&R” related country that always maintain close relation with China. The progress of “Internet+” international education program would likely be treated as a successful example for the implementation of “B&R” initiative and “Open Education Policy” in foreign countries.