On the morning of 27th July, 2017, Tang Chinese Education, together with MCA, Hua Qiao University (China) and UTAR, have successfully Launched “Belt and Road, ‘Internet +’ Chinese Smart Teaching & Learning Education” at UTAR (Sg. Long).
It is an honor to invite Dato’ Sri Liow Tiong Lai , the MCA’s president and Minister of Transport of Malaysia as the guest of honor to launch the ceremony. Besides, Dr. Huang HuiKang, the Ambassador of P. R. China to Malaysia, Senator Dato' Dr. Hou Kok Chung, the Deputy President for MCA, Professor Jia YiMin, the Headmaster of HuaQiao University (China), Prof. Dr. Ewe Hong Tat, the acting Headmaster of UTAR, Dato’ Woo Rui Lian, the President of PERFECT (CHINA) CO., Ltd. & director of HuaQiao University, Dato’ Wang ChaoQun, Chairman of the United Chinese School Teachers’ Associate of Malaysia (UCSTAM), MCA members, China University’s representatives, Malaysia high school’s representatives, leaders’ of societies, teacher & student representatives and News’ journalists (over 300 attendees in total) had been invited to witness the launching ceremony.
In the ceremony, Dato’ Sri Liow Tiong Lai issues the licensing plates to Malaysia’s 14 selected high school representatives and UTAR as a collaboration with Tang in using Internet + Chinese Smart Teaching Education system and also, they will be the leading pioneers for the reform of Chinese education system in Malaysia.

In the ceremony, Prof. Dr. Ewe Hong Tat, the acting Headmaster of UTAR, makes an address in term of the human resource in talent co-education, communications between teachers and students, as well as interaction and cooperation in the sense of technology enhancement for both countries (China & Malaysia), UTAR will provide full support to this project, besides, he thanked to Tang by being generous in giving out Tang’s Smart Teaching and Learning System to the 14 selected high schools in Malaysia. Before this, UTAR has signed the M.O.U with Tang and promised to enhance Chinese (Mandarin) and informatization internationally in the field of multimedia education industries.

Professor Jia YiMin, the Headmaster of HuaQiao University (China) has mentioned that following with the development in multimedia technology, integration of innovation has become the trend, and the whole world has been entering into the new era of Internet (+). With the launching of this project, it has reflected that all parties have faith in developed Chinese education in the future, and also reflected all parties’ views and determination. In order to implement and promote the project, all parties must integrate more information , technology knowledge, along with the talent resources so to serve with the development of Malaysia’s Chinese education and to fulfill each and every need of Mandarin subjects study.

An introduction video about the development of Tang’s Chinese smart education in past years is played in the ceremony. Following with the changes in different era, Malaysia’s Chinese education has revealed its tenacity and vitality. Co-working with the implementation of 4 parties and the selected 14 high schools which have been chosen as pioneers with the help of Tang’s smart education system and cloud platform supported by modern education technology, it has speed up the pace of informatization in Malaysia’s education system.
In the speech of Dr. Huang Huikang, he mentions that the conference’s theme, which integrated “Belt and Road”, Chinese education, and “Internet +”, shows a very meaningful matter and he also congratulates Tang along with the other 3 collaborative parties for their efforts in making contributions to the development of Chinese education in Malaysia. Due to their mutual cooperation, it also enhances friendly relationship between China and Malaysia. The Chinese Embassy in Malaysia will keep providing supports and help as always.

Dato’ Sri Liow Tiong Lai felt very grateful to Tang, HuaQiao University, and MCA for their cooperation in this project. Dato’Sri Liow Tiong Lai, with honor, officially launches the ceremony, indicating the first step to reform Malaysia’s Chinese Education. Even though the project is initially activated in 14 selected high schools and UTAR, the project will soon be exploring to the primary level, secondary level, and even college level all over Malaysia.
Dato’ Sri Liow Tiong Lai has particularly mentioned that hundreds of education institutes in the world have started investing and using the “internet+” smart education system in teaching, and now, Malaysia’s schools are officially introducing this smart system to their education, they starts to build classroom and help their teachers and students to increase the effectiveness of Mandarin teaching and learning.
“Internet+” Chinese Education Smart Teaching & Learning Platform has been developed distinctively for Malaysian schools according to their curriculum, fitting local education circumstances. Tang, as a large platform of “Internet+” International Education, had already become a guarantee of Chinese teaching in the world.

Many an elite in the fields of politics, economics, and education from both China and Malaysia gathered for the ceremony of “Belt and Road Initiative: ‘Internet+’ Chinese Education Smart Teaching and Learning Scheme” to witness the moment of opening a new chapter in Malaysian Chinese Education.