On September 12th, 2017 (Tuesday), a courtesy visit led by Tang’s president, Madam Liu Fei to TAR UC at Setapak, KL came off; Alan, the Business Development Manager of Tang’s Malaysia branch; Lisa, the trainer (Beijing office), and Riko, the trainer (Malaysia office) coming along with Madam Liu attended the meeting as well in the afternoon.
In the other sides, TAR UC representatives,such as Associate Professor Dr. Ng Swee Chin, the Vice President of Academy and Research Department; Associate Professor Say Sok Kwan, the Vice President of Collaboration, innovation and Entrepreneurship Department; Dearna Kee June Chen, Dean of Faculty of Social Science, Art & Humanities; Ms. Lim Siz Siz, Programme Leader (Department of Communication) as well as lecturers of the department, were also invited to the meeting.

At the first session, Prof Dr Ng Swee Chin introduced TAR UC and some university programs by playing the videos of portfolio. According to Prof Dr. Ng, TAR UC witnessed an increasing number of students which was more than 20,000 this year and many graduates have become successful around the world, some have become Directors, chief engineers, entrepreneurs, or worked in other management positions.
After Prof Dr Ng Swee Chin’s speaking, Madam Liu Fei briefly introduced Tang’s history, their shareholders, working partners among universities in China, as well as Tang’s branches around the world, e.g., Korea, France, Thailand, Malaysia and etc. She talked about the products like Smart Teaching & Learning System and International Chinese Education Cloud Platform that were independently developed by Tang.
Lisa, the trainer of Tang’s Beijing office, objectively analyzed some cases of institution users such as Beijing Universities, Beijing Jiaotong University and other universities by sharing their experience on how Tang’s technology products helped them in lecturing.
Prof. Dr. Ng Swee Chin was very interested in Tang’s International Chinese Education Cloud Platform. She discussed with Prof Say Sok Kwan on how to integrate their programs and education information with the cloud platform to enhance their teaching and management in faculty due to their needs for mandarin classes in social science, art & humanities, and business.

When the meeting ended at 5pm, Tang and TAR UC exchanged gifts. And photos of Prof. Dr Ng Swee Chin and Madam LiuFei as well as group photo was taken afterwards.