• 学校介绍
    About University





    Shanghai University (hereinafter referred to as SHU) is one of the top 40 Chinese universities, top 100 Asian universities, the premier university of Shanghai, and a member of China Project 211 Universities. It is a comprehensive university offering 82 undergraduate programs, 187 graduate programs, and 97 doctoral programs in various disciplines including science, humanities & social sciences, engineering, economics & management, art, etc.

    SHU was founded in 1922, and has been developed into a university with profound academic traditions and outstanding research facilities, embracing students from various countries with its global outlook. Just like the city of Shanghai, SHU has undergone dramatic changes in the past few decades,turning into a multicultural community with tremendous opportunities and resources.

  • 专业介绍
    About Major




    Chinese language is a major that teaches Chinese as a second language. It is specially designed to help students and overseas Chinese whose first language is not Chinese to learn Chinese language culture and related knowledge.

    It aims to cultivate versatile talents with global vision and Chinese proficiency. Through professional learning and training, which aims to enhance students’ understanding of Chinese culture and knowledge of economic and trade, students will be equipped with strong communicative competence and be able to pass the HSK6 test. Graduates can be competent in economic and trade, journalism, translation, Chinese teaching, cultural exchange and other fields, and preliminarily have the ability to research Chinese society.


    ➢ To ensure correct pronunciation and intonation through Mandarin pronunciation training;

    ➢ To master common Chinese vocabularies and expressions and be familiar with Chinese grammar knowledge through the study and practice of vocabulary, grammar and texts;

    ➢ To have the ability of communicating, reading and writing.

  • 项目简介
    About Program




    学 制:汉语言本科专业学制为四年,修满规定学分并通过论文答辩及HSK6级者可以提前毕业,最长修读年限不超过5年。






    With the development of the Times, online education has become the main way for people to acquire knowledge. Faced with the great impact of 2020 Coronavirus pandemic on global education, institutions in various countries are gradually shifting from suspension of school to online education,promoting the rise of online education all over the world.

    With the concept of "Internet + international education", this program is specially customized by the School of International Education of Shanghai University for international students who want to study in Chinese language in China. Relying on the most cutting-edge education technology and teaching modes, the program is divided into two stages: learning at home and study in China.

    In the first year, students have to complete the fundamental courses of Chinese language major in their home country, and then begin to learn the core courses in China since the second year. Adopting 1+3 education mode, the program has changed the traditional way of studying in China, which can achieve the goal of talent training more accurately and efficiently and ensure the high quality of international education.

    Duration: the undergraduate course of Chinese language is a four-year program. Students obtained all the required credits and passed the thesis and HSK6 can apply graduation in advance. The longest length of study is five years.

    Cultivation: Taught in Chinese

    The first stage (Year 1):Students complete online courses in their home country. A combination of online and face-to-face teaching method will be used. The online teaching will be implemented through the international education platform of Tang, and the face-to-face teaching and guidance will be implemented through live broadcast and offline teaching.

    The second stage (From year 2):Students who meet the admission standards for international students will go to Shanghai University to complete the remaining courses. Upon completing all courses in the syllabus, graduation thesis and defense would be conducted.

    Certificates: Students who meet the graduation requirements of this program will be awarded the Graduation Certificate in Chinese language and Bachelor of Arts degree issued by Shanghai University.

  • 项目特点&优势







    A more scientific cultivation method integrated with the most cutting-edge education concept and technology;

    Graduation and further study are seamlessly connected which help students to win the highest quality of overseas education with the shortest time and lowest economic costs;

    Enjoy flexible application,efficient admission and a buffer period for studying abroad in the first year;

    Independent learning mode and "Online & face-to-face teaching" maximizes educational efficiency, ensuring a 100% successful link to the university;

    Accompanied by famous teachers and professional tutors, the language intensive course runs through the whole course to guarantee the successful completion of the study;

    Awarded an international environment and global vision, and privileged the outstanding graduate of further education promotion or employment recommendation.

  • 项目课程安排
    About Study




    In the first year, students will complete the fundamental courses of Chinese language major in Malaysia (mainly including the comprehensive courses of primary and intermediate Chinese and courses of HSK4). From the second year, students will begin to learn the core courses in China, including: reading, writing, listening and speaking (primary, intermediate and advanced), Understanding of China, Chinese folk customs, modern Chinese, ancient Chinese, Chinese idioms, Chinese culture, Mandarin pronunciation training, Chinese human geography, etc.

    Lectures :
    Shanghai University will select outstanding lecturers or authorized professional teachers to carry out online and offline teaching activities in various forms.

  • 学习方式
    Study Mode

    网络(线上)+ 面授(线下)相结合:
    1.网络学习平台— 学习专业名师精品课程
    2.面授辅导— 阶段性实地集中授课、指导专业课程内容
    3.互动— 学习平台在线研讨难题,师生互动讨论课题
    4.赴华— 赴校总部强化知识要点、交流学习、接受论文指导

    1.第一阶段(Year 1)学生在本国完成线上课程学习,采用网络与面授相结合的教学方式进行。网络教学通过唐风国际教育云平台实施,面授通过直播和现场授课方式实施教学与辅导。

    Face-to-face & Online Teaching combined Education Model:
    1.Online learning platform -- learning high quality online courses of famous lectures
    2.Face to face Teaching -- intensive teaching and professional guidance
    3.Interaction - online discussion and interactive activities between teachers and students
    4.Study in China – learning the rest of courses and receive the guidance of the thesis in the university

    Taught in Chinese:
    1.The first stage (Year 1):Students complete online courses in their home country. A combination of online and face-to-face teaching method will be used. The online teaching will be implemented through the international education platform of Tang, and the face-to-face teaching and guidance will be implemented through live broadcast and offline teaching.
    2.The second stage (From year 2):Students who meet the admission standards for international students will go to Shanghai University to complete the remaining courses. Upon completing all courses in the syllabus, graduation thesis and defense would be conducted.

  • 报名申请信息


    入学 申请截止日期 开课日期
    2021春季学期 2021年2月7 日 2021年2月22 日

    2.年龄不低于17 周岁,身体健康,持非中国籍有效护照。说明:根据中国教育部规定,中国大陆(内地)、香港、澳门和台湾居民在移民外国后作为外国来华留学生申请者必须持有有效的外国护照或国籍证明4年(含)以上,且最近4年之内在国外实际居住2年以上(1年中实际在国外居住满9个月可以按1年计算,以入境和出境签章为准);
    3.具备HSK4级 180分以上汉语水平。 如以汉语为母语或常用语,或者曾用汉语完成过学历项目,并获得证书的情况可免HSK等级要求。


    1.邮件报名:通过电子邮件发送完整申请材料电子版文件,以压缩包的附件形式发送。邮件标题: “姓名:XXX-上海大学-汉语言专业-本科直通车项目申请”



    网址: https://mys.tangce.net/

    地址: 马来西亚吉隆坡槟榔路威士玛UOA大厦2座17层。17-9 房间号 50450
    Wisma UOA 2, Level 17-9, Jalan Pinang, 50450, Kuala Lumpur.

    联系人: 陈有权 (Tan Yu Chyan)


    电子邮箱: yctan@tangce.net

    Important Time

    Entry Application Deadline Start Date
    Spring Semester 2021 February 7, 2021 February 22, 2021

    1.Should be a senior high school graduate or have higher level education experience;
    2. Not less than 17 years old, in good health, and having a valid passport of non-Chinese nationality. Note: according to the regulations of the Chinese Ministry of Education, China (mainland), Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan residents as foreign applicants after immigration must hold a valid foreign passport or nationality proved more than 4 years (including), and have actually resided abroad for more than 2 years in the recent 4 years (the actual resided abroad for more than 9 months in 1 year can be counted as 1 year, subject to the entry and exit seal);
    3.Level of Chinese should be at least HSK2 180. HSK requirement may be exempted if Chinese as the mother tongue or a common language, or have completed a degree program in Chinese and obtained a certificate.

    Application Documents:
    1.Application form for international students;
    2.Copy of passport;
    3.Personal photo in recent 6 months, 640 pixels *480 pixels in the electronic version and 30mm*40mm in the paper version (8 copies shall be prepared for on-site registration, and the name shall be written on the back of the photo);
    4.Copies of high school graduation certificate and transcripts;
    5.Personal Resume (Chinese);
    6.Copy of HSK certificate, or HSK test report at the global center.
    ★Submit copies of above documents, and the original documents should be verified before application.

    How to apply:
    Send copies of all your application materials as attachment file via email with a subject: "Name: XXX- Shanghai University - Chinese Language Major – CEE1+3". Or take original documents to office of Global Admission Centre (Malaysia) which contact information is following:


    Website: https://mys.tangce.net/

    Address: Wisma UOA 2, Level 17-9, Jalan Pinang, 50450, Kuala Lumpur.

    Contact: 陈有权 (Tan Yu Chyan)


    Email: yctan@tangce.net

  • 录取 缴费

    3.在收到offer 的20日内完成第一年学费缴纳,逾期未付则视为放弃名额;

    1.申请费:350 令吉 ;
    2.学费:按学年收取,于每年开学注册前付清。 第一年(马来西亚本土培养)学费:15000 令吉; 第二年至第四年(赴华留学)学费:按照上海大学当年国际留学生学费标准执行

    银行:Hong Leong Bank Berhad
    地址:Wisma Hong Leong, Level 3, 18 Jalan Perak, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia



    Admission Procedure:
    1.Submit the application materials and pay the application fee, then enter the admission review process;
    2.After the admission test (if set), check email to download the attached affer letter;
    3.Make payment for tuition fees within 20 days since the offer letter received, if not the offer is deemed to be waived;
    4.By confirming the acceptance of the letter and payment, official Admission notice would be sent to you by courier.

    Fees and Explanation:
    1.Application fee: RM 350
    2.Tuition fee: Tuition fee is charged per academic year before registration for the new semester. Tuition fee for 1st year (study in Malaysia): RM 15,000 Tuition fee from 2nd year to 4th year (study in China): According to the tuition fee standard of Shanghai University for international students
    Note: The application fee and first year tuition fee need to be paid to Global Admission Center of Tang (Malaysia). The invoice of payment details would be attached in the offer letter to applicant if payment succeed.

    The bank account is as below:
    BANK:Hong Leong Bank Berhad
    ADDRESS:Wisma Hong Leong, Level 3, 18 Jalan Perak, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    Tuition fee includes: tuition fee (remote online courses, face-to-face courses, school activities, student guidance services and other teaching costs); Online and offline professional course examination and assessment.

    Tuition fee does not include: personal expenses such as delayed graduation due to personal reasons, transportation, accommodation and other expenses incurred by attending offline unified professional examination, teaching materials (textbooks for major courses, book delivery fees), overseas insurance in China, paper materials such as reference books, transportation, accommodation and visa application.

  • 常见咨询问题FAQ


    2.18 周岁以下是否可以申请
    答:可以,入读本项目无严格年龄要求。需要明确学生在第二年来华留学时,如未满18周岁,必须有在华担保人,签订 《监护人保证书Guarantee Statement》。




    答:上海大学提供各种类型奖学金,学生入读大二后可享受奖学金政策,奖学金名额根据学生在读期间的成绩与表现综合评定。详情可查询 上海大学官网






    答:每年3月份和9月份为中国教育部规定的各大院校注册期,由校方统一为学生注册学籍,无需自行操作;学生需要顺利完成第一年课程,达到HSK4 180语言水平,在大学二年级注册学籍。

    答:唐风全球报名中心马来西亚办公室报名并缴纳费用,若无法现场报名缴费,可以通过银行转账方式进行缴费。付款信息为:请参考“ 招生目录-录取 缴费 ”







    答:①修满所要求的学分,HSK 达到6级;②通过学位论文答辩;③获得校学位委员会批准。


    1. What qualifications do I need to apply for this programme?
    You should be non-Chinese citizen and in good health. You must have a graduation certificate from a high school.

    2. Can I apply if I am not 18 years old?
    Yes, you can. There is no strict age limit for joining this program, however, must have a guarantee to sign this statement if under the age of 18 when you are going to study in China in the second year.

    3. How do I know the status of my application?
    We will email you the status of the application. Please make sure your email is working properly. If you do not receive an email from the system one week after your application, please contact Tang Global Admission Centre (Malaysia) by mail or telephone TEL:+6012-6683376, Email: yctan@tangce.net

    4. Do I need to pay the application fee?
    Yes, please pay the application fee of RM350 together with your application. If you do not pay the application fee, your application may not be processed. Whether your application is accepted or not, the registration fee will not be refunded.

    5. How do I know tuition fee information?
    The tuition fee information will be listed in the admission brochure of this program, or you can check the tuition fee information for each academic year on the official website of Shanghai University.

    6. Are scholarships available to this program?
    Shanghai University provides kinds of scholarships. Students can enjoy the scholarship policy after entering the second academic year. The scholarship quota is based on the comprehensive evaluation of students' performance during the study period. Details of scholarships can be found on the website of Shanghai University: http://www.apply.shu.edu.cn/application/scholarships

    7. How to verify the authenticity and reliability of the program?
    A. Announcement of the program information on the official website of Shanghai University B. Upon admission, students will receive an admission notice directly issued by Shanghai University C. Students will receive an educational administration system account to log in the school system to check their personal information freely D. Shanghai University has issued an official license to Tang and appointed Tang Malaysia as its digital teaching service center, which can provide a full range of teaching and services to international students in Malaysia.

    8. Does the graduation certificate and transcript need to be notarized into Chinese version when preparing for application?
    If the high school can directly provide an official English version of the school's graduation certificate and transcript, there is no need to prepare a Chinese notarization, but documents in other languages need to be translated and notarized into Chinese.

    9. Whether the HSK report required can be exempted?
    Only overseas Chinese (such as Malaysian Chinese) who have received Chinese language education for a long time and whose high school graduation certificate and transcript are in Chinese version directly can be exempted from HSK score. If you do not have a HSK result, you can take a mock HSK test when applying for this program.

    10. What kind of degree will I be awarded after graduation?
    After graduation, students will be awarded the graduation certificate of Chinese language major and Bachelor of Arts degree issued by Shanghai University, which can be checked on the website of CHSI, and recorded in the Ministry of Education system.

    11. How to select elective courses?
    Elective courses have been selected by the faculty with the most suitable subjects that generally cannot be changed in the first year. From the second to fourth years, students select elective courses independently according to the arrangement of the Academic Affairs Office of Shanghai University

    12. When is the registration time?
    The registration would be unified by the school for students in March and September of each year stipulated by the Ministry of Education. For program students, the registration conditions require them to successfully complete the learning of the first academic year, and reach the language level of HSK4 180 in the second year.

    13. Where do Malaysian students pay for application?
    The Malaysia students should pay fees to Tang Global Admission Centre (Malaysia). It is also accepted to be paid by bank transfer.

    14. Is there an admission test?
    Mainly to verify the application material and HSK report, consider whether to arrange admission test according to the personal situation of applicant.

    15. How do you prepare a reference letter for application?
    Applicants with working experience please provide one letter from the company's senior executives and one from your academic professors

    16. What is the language of instruction?
    Courses are taught in Chinese, narrated clearly with a normal speaking speed.

    17. How are course exams conducted?
    Due to the variety of courses and the different requirements, it can be roughly divided into online test, offline paper test, open-book test, closed-book test, research report or essay examination, etc. which specific requirements refer to the individual course according to the teaching plan.

    18. What visa should I apply for my study in China?
    In the second year, students must hold an X visa to study in China. Shanghai University will reserve sufficient time for students to apply for the visa and issue supporting documents in June to July 2021

    19. Is an internship required or arranged before graduation?
    It's according to the practical course arrangement of Shanghai University

    20. What are the requirements for graduation?
    All required credits be completed, reach HSK 6; Pass the dissertation defense; Approved by the academic Degrees Committee of the University

    21. Can I finish my studies in advance and apply for graduation?
    During the second year of study in Shanghai University, students can apply for early graduation once completing all the credits.




Application Form